Outfit #1
This blog post has been sitting in my inbox for a very long time. It was supposed to go live over a month ago, but then the world was put on pause and I did not feel it was appropriate. With everything going on and each one of us going through different changes, I did not know what was appropriate to share. All you want to do is be understanding and sympathetic and not be tone deaf to whats happening around us. To keep engagement up with everyone I have kept my instagram running while putting my website on pause. I have not created any new content as I did not know what was appropriate. A lot of people are sick, loosing their jobs, and experiencing a lot of hardship. My entire platform is built around fashion & lifestyle and showing people pretty pictures and giving you the opportunity to shop my looks. While money is tight for most of us, I wanted to keep an open mind and share a lot of my highlights from previous years and try to still connect on social media.
This blog post was about matching sets for the office. I love tweed and I think it’s such a sophisticated fashion trend for work. This blog post would not provide any value to a lot of us seeing as we are all working from home if we are not essential workers. If you’re like me, you’re currently wearing t-shirts and spandex leggings. I know, not fashionable at all, but so comfy.
I noticed a lot of influencers and posting a lot of content to show what makes them happy that day to shine some light and bring some positivity in your day as well. So with this post I am not going to link any outfit details, or explain an other fashion trend. I am just going to leave these pictures here for you to see, put a smile on your face, and distract you from whats happening around us for at least 30 seconds of your day.
Stay safe <3
Outfit #2
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