The minute quarantine was put in place, I knew things were going to start getting challenging. I am not one to be able to sit still in doors all day long. While I do like my “me” time I also love to get outside at least once a day. While I had to learn to adapt to the new arrangements, I had to be creative and find ways to get outdoors. Some of you may have remembered my 2020 fitness challenge in January. Since the closing of the gyms, this challenge did not last long. I will explain how I have been staying active during quarantine.
During the early month’s there was still a bunch of snow on the ground and Gavin and I had no choice but to find ways to stay active indoors. We used stationary bikes, treadmills, and took advantage of exercise videos. One the weather started getting better we would head out for long walks in the evening after work. The walks got longer and longer going from 30 minutes up to 3 hours. Yeah, the 3 hour walks had my legs throbbing but it was great exercise.
We began to take our exercises outdoors and run every morning before we logged onto our computers to start our day of work. Just like that we have found a new routine! Do we miss the gym? Yes, there are some exercises you simply cannot do at home. However we have easily adapted to this new way of life and really enjoy our new routine.
Another hobby of ours is bike riding. I have always wanted a pretty pink bike with a white whicker basket. With all of the extra time we have in quarantine now Gavin purchased an old bike, and cleaned it up with a nice paint job, added the basket, and new seats. She looks completely brand new! I love taking my bike out in the neighbourhood just as the sun is setting in the evening. It is the perfect way to wind down after a long day of work.
Outfit Details: