During our picturesque bike ride through the streets of Charleston., I couldn’t help but stop at the very first pink pastel panelled house I saw! I mean, couldn’t I live here? Why couldn’t this be my home? Being able to have beautiful shutters with flower trees hanging outside of your window. It all just sounds so magical. If you are ever looking for the best way to travel around Charleston, my advice is to rent a bike and just wander off into the streets!
You may be thinking if you went bike riding why are you wearing a pretty dress? Well, the answer is simple, I didn’t know we would be renting bikes right away! This was the outfit I wore on the plane from Toronto. We had flown into Charleston early that morning and the hotel took our luggage and put them in storage until our check-time was ready. We thought it would be a great idea to rent bikes and travel around town to check everything out while we waited. For starters, there is no glamorous way to ride a bike with a dress, and if there is I haven’t discovered it yet 😂 but regardless we had a fantastic time and I successfully did not flash anyone! Sounds like a successful trip to me 🙂 .
I got so many compliments about this dress that it made me never want to take it off. One of my favourite compliments was “your dress is so stinking cute“. How more southern can you get? Gavin and I were loving learning the different slangs and phrases southerners had.
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Dress: Shein / Watch: Michael Kors / Shoes: Aldo (Similar) / Purse: Shein / Earrings: Forever 21 (Similar)