We all know that exercise is good for us and we understand all of the amazing benefits it has on our body and our lifestyle. How many of us have set a New Year’s resolution to exercise more and hit the gym? It’s not even February and how many of us can honestly say they have kept up with their resolution? If your answer is yes, then that’s amazing, give yourself a pat on the back. If you answer is no, chances are its because there is nothing motivating you to get up and get moving. Trust me we have all been there, especially in the winter time. It is cold and windy and the only thing we want to do is stay inside with a warm cup of coffee and binge watch Netflix. Not going to lie, this sounds like a great day, but how much better would you feel if you got a workout in before you sat down for the next 8 hours of your day? Pretty amazing and accomplished right? Exercising for me has become a form of medicine and allows me to step away from the stressors I am going through in life. Even on those blistery cold days, I know that if I don’t make it out to get that blood flowing I will regret it after. I do not want to force you to do anything you don’t want to, but I know for myself that these 10 regimens have really help me stay motivated to get out and get exercising.
For some people exercising may seem like a chore, and at times it does feel like one. I mean lets be real, we watch so many commercials, read so many articles and listen to so many radio talks about the benefits of being active and staying fit. Obviously we all want to achieve that goal, but there are many obstacles in the way. The biggest one is motivation. Motivation is what drives all of us to do things whether it is being productive at work, making a home cooked meal instead of ordering-in, changing our underwear instead of flipping them inside out (common, we all have men in our lives who do this… * insert eye roll emoji*). Don’t worry, if you are thinking you have no clue how to motivate yourself to exercise, don’t worry I am going to share with you my 10 tips to staying motivated in the winter. If it works for me, I guarantee at least one of these will work for you.
Alright, here are my 10 tips and tricks to help you stay motivated.
1. Find a Friend
Two is better than one. Not only are you dragging your friend out of the house to get motivated and get exercising but you also have company and can treat it as a outting. Perhaps you could go grab a green smoothie after words or a poka bowl.. HECK invite the crew and make it a team bonding of healthy foods and exercise!
2. Make a Goal
I love making goals. Creating goals helps me stay motivated and stay on task. Now it is easy to make long terms goals, but it’s not as easy to create short-term goals and stick to them. We all know we want to be healthier and stay fit. This could be a long term goal you could set for yourself. But why don’t you break it down into smaller short term goals to help you stay on the path for the long term goal. For instance, lets say this week you set up 4 gym sessions and you meal prep all your meals. This allows you to stay organised and on task for the week. Try it yourself! Ask yourself, what’s your long-term goal and how can I break it down into short-term goals to help me stay on task!
3. Create Your Own Challenges To Motivate Yourself
Who doesn’t love a little challenge? I know there is a little Monica Geller inside of all of us ready to take on any challenge head strong! I do it all the time, and it may sound silly, but when I get to the gym I usually like to start off with cardio, so I will do 30 minutes on the treadmill. Sometimes I will tell myself “hey I bet you can’t do 45 minutes”. Giving myself that extra 15 minute challenge changes my whole workout and makes me feel a lot more accomplished. They don’t need to be big changes, but create challenges for yourself to make a difference and prove to yourself you can do it.
4. Find Indoor Gyms / Classes
The outdoors isn’t for all of us, especially living in Canada, I can attest that going for a run outside or going for a hike isn’t the safest and most enjoyable during the winter season. I love trying new classes. My new obsession is cycle classes. They are indoors and they have great instructors who motivate you. If cycling isn’t your thing try yoga, pilates, swimming, or just finding an indoor track to run on . There are so many other activities you can do indoors to help motivate you.
5. Perform at Home Workouts
We all have those days where we do not want to even think of leaving, and trust me I know the feeling. This doesn’t mean I don’t have a solution for exercising. Head on over to YouTube! They have so many great at home workouts to get your sweat on AND you don’t need any equipment! It is so easy and simple. All you need is yourself and a glass of water! If you are a beginner this is the first solution I love to suggest. I know for most beginners it may be a little intimidating to go to the gym and workout, whether it is because you are self conscious or because you simply don’t know the first thing to do when you enter the gym. Trust me when I say that IT’S OKAY and you are not alone 🙂 . Those are both valid reasons and I encourage all beginners to try at home workouts in the comfort of your own home. One of my favourite sites to do at home workouts is PopSugar Fitness. For those of you who are unaware I will provide the link below! 🙂 They have is many simple and easy to follow along workout videos.
6. Find a Cute Outfit
Alright guys, I am guilty as charged here because this is my biggest motivator to working out. I mean who doesn’t love a cute workout outfit to help get them motivated? When I head to the mall and find a new workout outfit, the first thing I want to do is head to the gym and see how many squats I can do in my new leggings, or see how far my new shoes will take me. Where it ever it takes me I know Ill be there in style 😉
7. Sign Up For Future Races
I do this all the time. Until I injured my back and my hip ( old lady status, I know ) I would always sign up for triathalons. It was such a great motivator for me to get out there and exercising because I had this goal to get fit and kill this race! Now it doesn’t need to be a triathalon, it could even be a 5km run or a bike or anything! They even have night races that glow in the dark at night! Yeah it’s a real thing, and at the end it’s a hug dance party! Whatever your taste is, or how big or small your goal is there is definiatly a race out there that is targeted for you. Below I have provided a Run Guide link. All you need to do is type in your city and it show you all the upcoming races and how you can sign up for them. Go on and check it out 🙂
8. Make a New Play List
Ever hear a new banger you want to download? Ever get stuck finding one amazing song after another? MEE TOO! This is the type of thing that eventually leads to a solo dance party in my basement, but nevertheless it motivates me to get me going! I remember one morning I was so excited to listen to my play list I got up extra early to head for a run. Yeah, I don’t know, I am weird like that sometimes… BUT IT WORKED! It also puts you in a great mood!
9. Remind Yourself Summer Is Coming
Bikini season is right around the corner ladies! Don’t want until it’s warmer to hit the squats! This tip may be intimidating and harsh some of you, but it works for some people to keep them motivated!
10. Make a Schedule That Will Actually Work
Lastly, if you are thinking of making goals and creating a plan for yourself to start exercising then make sure it is attainable. Everyone is different and everyone has their own limits. So set your own limits to what your body can do to make this experience as enjoyable as it can be! Getting out to exercise is supposed to be fun, enjoyable, and having a sense of accomplishment. If twice a week is all you can do then don’t plan to go out everything day of the week because it won’t work out and you will get discouraged.
At the end of the day, these tips are here to help you and get you motivated . You may be reading this thinking, these don’t work for me, and that’s okay. I am providing you with some examples out there that have worked for me and others in the past. There are so many other examples out there and solutions that are there to help you stay motivated and engaged to exercise. You need to find what is best for you and make a goal out of it and accomplish that goal. That is the point of this post 🙂
I would love to hear if any of these solutions work for you or if you have any other solutions that have worked! I would love to hear them 🙂